A Complete Guide on Bottle Feeding Newborns

A Complete Guide on Bottle Feeding Newborns

Bottle feeding is an increasingly popular choice of feeding for young parents these days. Bottle-feeding newborns helps working mothers a lot since other members of the family can easily feed the baby while the mother is at work. This also makes it easier to track the baby’s intake and feeding schedule.

While the process appears quite simple, there is a learning curve when it comes to bottle-feeding newborns. For some babies drinking milk from a bottle comes naturally while some create a fuss. The process becomes much easier once you understand the smaller aspects of it like selecting the right bottle and nipple, recognising your baby’s hunger cues, and finding the right position to feed the baby.

Parents also often worry about how to introduce bottle feeding to their baby and more importantly when is the right time to start bottle feeding a newborn. Here is everything you need to know about the best way to bottle-feed a baby.

Here's Everything You Need to Know About Bottle Feeding a Newborn

Half the battle is won during the preparatory stage itself. Once you understand the nitty gritty, the process of bottle-feeding newborns becomes much easier.

Reading Your Baby's Hunger Cues

Feeding your baby only when they are hungry helps them build a positive relationship with food. How to know the baby is hungry can be quite a challenge for young parents. Most parents don’t realise that crying is a late hunger cue. There are early baby hunger cues that parents can identify as signs the baby is hungry. These cues include:

Early Hunger Cues

(Signs baby is starting to get hungry)

Mid-Hunger Cues

(Signs the baby is very hungry)

Late Hunger Cues

(Signs that baby needs to be fed immediately)  

  • Opening Mouth
  • Light sucking motions
  • Tongue extension
  • Extending head
  • Turning head side to side
  • Sucking on anything nearby
  • Bringing hands to face
  • Light sounds/whimpering
  • Body wriggling
  • Flexing the body
  • Fussiness
  • Agitated body movements
  • Uncontrollable Crying
  • Turning red


Choosing the Right Bottles and Nipples

When it comes to choosing the best baby feeding bottle several factors need to be considered including the size, shape, and material of the bottle, the shape, size, and flow rate of the feeding nipple for a newborn baby.

The best baby feeding bottle might seem to be a silicone baby bottle as it is a safe toxin-free option. However, plastic bottles also are a viable option as long as they are changed frequently. To start with you can get a 100 ml- 150 ml baby bottle and get a bigger bottle as the baby grows.

Different Materials Of Baby Bottles

1) Plastic Bottle - Lightweight and inexpensive but needs to be replaced more often.

2) Silicone Bottle - Lightweight, flexible, and closest in feel to a breast. But they are more expensive than plastic.

3) Glass Bottle - More durable and healthier than plastic but are heavy and breakable.

4) Stainless Bottle - More durable and devoid of any toxins. But doesn’t allow tracking of milk consumed.

No one magic size will work when it comes to feeding nipples for newborn babies. Since it depends on your baby's sucking style and speed, you may have to experiment a little to get the right fit. Size-one nipples with a smaller hole are suitable for babies from birth to 6 months. As the baby grows, you can opt for bigger-sized nipples.

Sterilising Bottle-Feeding Equipment

Knowing how to clean feeding bottles is very important. Simply wash the bottle, teat, and lid with warm soapy water with a bottle brush to ensure there is no residual milk or formula in the bottle. While this does clean the feeding bottle, it does not make it 100% germ-free. For that, you need to sterilise the bottle.

As for how to sterilise baby bottles, there are 3 methods you can follow depending on what seems the most convenient to you:

1) Boiling the baby bottle

Boiling is the easiest way to sterilise your bottle-feeding gear. Just place bottles, teats, and lids in a large saucepan, cover with water and boil for 5 minutes. Let them cool in the water. Make sure you wash your hands before handling them.

2) Antibacterial wash

You can also sterilise the bottle with an antibacterial solution. Dilute the liquid in water and immerse the bottle, lids and teat in it for the recommended amount of time.

3) Steaming

Steaming, like boiling, raises temperatures to eliminate bacteria. You can achieve this with steamer/steriliser devices or a microwave. Steam bags are a convenient method to sterilise baby bottles in the microwave.

Filling up Bottles - Formula or Breastmilk

Types of Formulas

There are primarily three types of formulas to choose from. These include powder, concentrate, and ready-to-pour formulas. Each comes with its benefits for bottle-feeding newborns.

1) Ready-to-pour formula

It is the easiest but the priciest option of the three. It requires no preparation— you just have to open and pour. You can get small, pre-packaged bottles with nipples for early infant feedings or opt for larger refrigerated bottles. Either way, it is a foolproof choice.

2) Powder

When using powder, it is crucial to measure and mix with water properly. Follow directions for the right water-to-formula ratio. Excess water dilutes nutrients while too little causes dehydration. Both are risky for your baby.

2) Concentrate

Using concentrate is similar to using powder. You need to be careful about the water-to-concentrate ratio to make a healthy meal for your baby.

Proper Mixing of infant formula

Preparing the right mixture of infant formula is relatively simple. Just follow these simple steps to prepare the infant formula for bottle feeding your baby.

  • Make sure that the bottle is completely clean.
  • Put the required amount of water into the bottle and add the formula (powder or concentrate) as per the instructions.
  • Make sure you measure water first and then add the infant formula to it. Do not dilute the formula by adding extra water, as it could make your baby sick.
  • Carefully close the bottle and shake it well to mix the formula. Do not stir.

Bottle Temperature

The ideal temperature of the milk to be fed to a newborn should be 98.6 degrees which is the body temperature. Bottle feeding normal, room temperature breastmilk or formula is completely safe for a newborn.

If you still wish to warm the infant formula or breastmilk, place the bottle of milk in a bowl of warm water. Do not microwave it as that could leave hot spots.

Hygiene and Safety

Maintaining hygiene while bottle feeding newborns exceeds merely sterilising or cleaning the bottle. You need to follow certain steps and keep in mind certain things that will help you maintain the health and safety of your baby. Here are some things that you need to keep in mind:

  • Make sure you clean your hands before preparing the bottle with formula or breastmilk.
  • Do not use the bottle to feed anything else to the baby.
  • Avoid the temptation to make the feed thicker or stronger in an attempt to make your baby sleep longer. Doing so can lead to dehydration and illness.
  • Do not carry pre-made formula bottles, especially in hot weather, as harmful bacteria can quickly grow.
  • Avoid "propping" your baby's bottle (leaving your baby unsupervised to suck on the bottle or using a towel or diaper to hold it up). This can lead to choking and a higher risk of ear infections.

How to Bottle Feed Your Baby?

Once you are done with preparing the bottle, you can start trying out the feeding position that is most comfortable for your baby. Figuring out how to bottle feed your baby step by step comes naturally with trial and error. However, there are a few things you can keep in mind while finding out how to bottle-feed a baby.

Bottle-Feeding Positions

There are several positions you can try for bottle-feeding a newborn. The best way to find the right position to bottle feed your baby is to try them out and see which one feels the most comfortable.

1) Cradling the baby

Cradling is one of the most natural ways to hold a baby. Cradling the baby in the nook of your arm is the perfect bottle-feeding position. Support their head in your elbow bend, tilt them comfortably, and enjoy skin-to-skin contact.

2) Sitting position

Take a seat and position your baby upright on your lap, with their back against your stomach and chest. This is a recommended posture, especially for infants with reflux. Ensure you tilt the bottle correctly to fill the nipple with milk.

3) Resting the baby on your lap

Sit or lie down, and gently rest your baby on your legs with their back against your thighs and their head near your bent knees. This position facilitates eye contact and interaction.

4) Using a feeding pillow

Nursing pillows are not just for breastfeeding, they can also help you find a suitable bottle-feeding position. A standard C-shaped nursing pillow Provides comfort and relaxation during bottle feeding. However, remember that you'll still need to hold the bottle for your baby even when using a nursing pillow.

There are certain wrong bottle-feeding positions that you need to avoid to ensure safe meal times. Avoid laying your baby flat while bottle-feeding, as it can lead to formula entering their ears, potentially causing infections.

Experts strongly advise against propping up the baby's bottle, as it can result in formula pooling in their mouth. It is also not recommended to put a baby to bed with a bottle for the same reasons. Instead, incorporate bottle-feeding into their bedtime routine.

Ensuring the right flow is another essential aspect of bottle-feeding newborns. The right position to bottle feed a baby incorporates positioning the bottle at an angle rather than straight up or down. This ensures that milk only comes out of the bottle when the baby sucks from it.

Allow the baby to take breaks while drinking, and watch for cues that they are full. Once the baby indicates that they are full, you should stop even if the bottle is not empty.

How to get the baby to take the bottle quickly?

How quickly and easily a baby takes the bottle depends on whether they have been completely breastfed or not before starting bottle feeding. Ideally, a baby that has not been breastfed will take the bottle quite easily since sucking is a fairly natural instinct in babies.

If you plan on only bottle-feeding your newborn, you should right after birth. You can bottle-feed breastmilk to the baby. They should have little to no trouble latching on and sucking from the nipple.

For breastfed babies, the process can be a little tedious. However, there are various weaning tricks that you can try.

  • Experiment with a new feeding position or change the feeding environment. You could walk around while feeding or play soothing music.
  • Consider trying again later when your baby is calmer, like after bathing them.
  • Involve your partner or another family member in bottle-feeding your baby.
  • Test a different teat if the milk flow seems too slow, as it may be frustrating for your baby.
  • Allow your baby to initiate taking the bottle by offering it when they show readiness, instead of inserting the teat into their mouth.
  • Offer formula or breastmilk using a small cup or spoon. Sit your baby upright and offer them small sips in this manner.

Choose a Bottle Feeding Technique That Suits You Best

1) Paced Bottle Feeding

Paced bottle feeding is a bottle-feeding method that lets your baby control their feeding pace. Instead of reclining and having milk flow continuously, your baby is placed more upright, slowing milk intake. This approach encourages breaks and more deliberate eating, enhancing communication between you and your baby about hunger or fullness. Paced bottle feeding also promotes responsive feeding by parents.

2) Responsive Bottle Feeding

Responsive feeding promotes the use of natural breastfeeding instincts in both mothers and babies. It involves recognising your baby's hunger cues, never pressuring them to finish a feed, and responding promptly to their needs during feeding. The responsive feeding approach avoids distractions and prevents overeating when your baby is no longer hungry.

Bonding During Bottle Feeding

Many people tell young mothers to breastfeed only, reasoning that bottle-feeding newborns does not help form the bond that breastfeeding allows. This makes a lot of parents ask the question: Does bottle feeding affect bonding? We are here to tell you that it does not. 

While bottle-feeding newborns, mothers can develop an emotional bond similar to breastfed babies. There are certain actions you can take to strengthen your bonding during bottle feeding.

  • Hold your baby in your arms every time you feed them. Do not prop-feed them.
  • If your baby seems fussy with the bottle and tries to turn towards you as if seeking breastfeeding, hold them as if you are nursing. Gently guide the bottle's teat to their mouth, and as they begin to suck, adjust their position to face upward.
  • You can maintain skin-to-skin contact while bottle feeding, just as you would during breastfeeding This will help facilitate bonding during bottle feeding.
  • While your baby is feeding, pay attention to their face. Maintain eye contact and be attuned to their signals if they wish to avert their gaze.
  • Speak softly to your baby while they're feeding. Tune into their contentment during the feeding process, and let it bring you joy as well.
  • Fully engage in the moment while feeding your baby. Put away your phone, computer, and television, and give your complete attention to the feeding.

Post-Bottle Feeding Care

Once you are done bottle feeding the baby, you need to take care of certain things like burping them and cleaning them, as well as taking care of the feeding equipment and the leftover milk.

Burping Techniques

After feeding, burping a newborn is very important whether they're breastfed or formula-fed. This helps release any swallowed air during the feeding. To know how to burp a baby you need to follow one simple step. Gently pat their back until they release a burp. There are various burping techniques and positions that parents can use for burping a newborn.

1) Chest-to-Chest Burping

In the chest-to-chest burping position, the parent sits upright, holding the baby against their chest with the baby's chin on their shoulder. Pat the baby's back with one hand to help them burp, and use a burp cloth if needed for any spit-up.

2) Knee Position Burping

In the knee position for burping, place the baby in a sitting position on your knees. If you use your right hand to pat the baby's back, the baby should face left. Support the baby's chest with your non-dominant hand, using your palm, and cradle their chin between your thumb and pointer finger, making sure not to touch their neck. Slightly tilt the baby forward and gently pat their back until they burp.

3) Lap Position Burping

For the lap position, lay the baby face down on your lap, with their tummy on one leg and their head on the other. Ensure their head is tilted slightly higher than their chest, facing one side. Pat their back gently until they burp. The baby can be positioned in either direction as long as your legs support their stomach and head.

Cleaning up the baby

After feeding, it's crucial to clean your baby to prevent bacteria from entering their system. Start by gently cleaning their face and neck, ensuring you remove any food residue from their teeth. Rinse the washcloth and repeat until their face and neck are clean. Then, wet the washcloth and clean their chest and back.

Cleaning the bottle is another important aspect. Most parents worry about how to clean the feeding bottles. You can wash it with warm water and soap to make sure there is no residue in the bottle. After a few feeds, make sure to sterilise the bottle-feeding equipment.

How to Store Breastmilk or Formula at Home?

Is storing leftover Formula or breastmilk safe? For how much time is stored breastmilk or formula safe to use? These questions can be daunting for young parents. Here is a concise guide that talks about storing leftover formula and breast milk including the storage time.

When storing breastmilk, keep in mind the following points:

1) Use Appropriate Containers

Store expressed breast milk in breast milk storage bags or clean, food-grade containers with tight-fitting lids made of glass or plastic.

2) Label Clearly

Never use containers not meant for breast milk storage. Clearly label bags with the date and time of expression.

3) Freeze Promptly

If you won't use the expressed breast milk within 4 days, freeze it immediately to maintain quality.

4) Size Matters

Freeze breast milk in small portions of 2 to 4 ounces (per feeding) to minimise waste. Leave an inch of space at the top for expansion during freezing.

5) Travel Tips

When travelling, breast milk can be kept in an insulated cooler bag with ice packs for up to 24 hours. Upon arrival, use it promptly, refrigerate, or freeze.

While storing formula or a mix of formula and breastmilk, keep in mind the following points:

  • Store unopened infant formula indoors in a cool, dry place; avoid vehicles, garages, or outdoor storage.
  • Prepared infant formula spoils more quickly than breast milk at room temperature.
  • Use a prepared formula within 2 hours of making it, and start feeding within one hour.
  • Refrigerate any unused prepared formula for up to 24 hours.
  • Dispose of any remaining formula after feeding; saliva and formula can promote bacterial growth. Remember to clean and sanitise bottles before the next use.

To get clarity on breast milk or formula milk storage time, refer to the following table:

Room Temperature Refrigerator Freezer
Storage Temperatures 77° F 40° F 0° F
Freshly pumped breast milk / formula Safe to use for up to 4 hours Safe to use for up to 4 days Use within 6 months
Thawed breastmilk Safe to use for up to 1-2 hours Safe to use up to 24 hours Never refreeze after it has been thawed


Decoding Feeding Schedules and Amounts for Your Baby

Understanding your baby's nutritional needs is crucial to laying a healthy foundation for the baby. Just to give you a quick overview, the following are the nutritional aspects that you need to take care of for your newborn.

a) From Birth to 6 Months

  • Ideal nutrition source: Breast milk or iron-fortified infant formula.
  • Vitamin D supplementation is recommended.
  • No solid foods yet.

b) At About 6 Months

  • Begin introducing complementary foods, such as pureed baby food.
  • Choose nutrient-dense options rich in iron and zinc.
  • Avoid foods with added sugars, sodium, or fats.

c) At 12 Months and Beyond

  • Introduce Vitamin D through fortified cow's milk or soy milk.
  • Continue feeding nutrient-dense foods, especially those high in iron, zinc, and calcium.
  • Include essential fatty acids for brain growth and development.

How to Establish Feeding Schedules?

To maintain the nutritional levels of your baby, you need to prepare a feeding schedule for your baby. Creating a baby feeding chart is not that difficult. To begin with, just pay attention to the hunger cues of your baby and feed them accordingly. As you go, you will see a pattern and can easily make a baby diet chart.

For the first few weeks, the newborn feeding chart looks something like this:

Age Average Breastfeeding Pattern Average Formula Feeding Pattern
0 - 6 Days On-demand; At least 8 - 12 feedings in 24 hours On-demand; (around 29.5 to 59.1 ml) 8 times each day
1 Week On-demand; Cluster feeding is likely; At least 8 - 12 feedings every 24 hours On-demand; (around 44.4 to 88.7 ml) 8 times in 24 hours
2 Weeks On-demand; Cluster feeding is likely; At least 8 - 12 feedings every 24 hours On-demand; (around 44.4 to 88.7 ml) 8 times in 24 hours


From the first month onwards, the breastfeeding chart and formula feeding schedule are very similar:

Age Average Food Amount
1-3 months old 100-150 ml every 3-5 hours
4-6 months old 150-250 ml every 4-5 hours
6-9 months 900 ml total during the day
9-12 months 500-800 ml total during the day (half of the baby’s calories should come from solid food)


Common Issues Faced by Parents while Bottle Feeding Babies

There may be certain bottle-feeding problems that you might encounter while feeding your baby. They might seem fussy over nothing, but the important thing to remember during these times is that they are crying to communicate something important. Here are some helpful tips to make your bottle-feeding journey easier:

a) Baby Refusing the Bottle

In cases where the baby refuses to take the bottle first a few of the following tips:

  • Switching between breastfeeding and bottle feeding (if a breastfed baby is refusing the bottle)
  • Creating a relaxing environment
  • Having another family member feed the baby
  • Using a different bottle or nipple
  • Changing the place or positions of feeding

Still, If the baby is not drinking milk from the bottle, it could be a sign of an internal medical issue. You can seek help from your paediatrician to find a suitable solution.

b) Spit-Up and Digestive Concerns

A baby spitting out milk is a common behaviour in healthy babies. Since the muscle between the oesophagus & the stomach is not fully developed, babies often spit up curdled milk. However, there are certain things you can keep in mind to prevent your baby from spitting milk:

  • Keeping the baby upright
  • Avoiding overfeeding
  • Taking time to burp the baby
  • Putting the baby to sleep on their back
  • Experimenting with your diet (for breastfed babies)

c) Gagging/choking

Gagging is a natural reflex in infants, serving as a defence against babies choking on milk. Some babies have a sensitive gag reflex, which may occasionally lead to vomiting. This is normal. To reduce the chance of gagging leading to vomiting during meals, ensure your baby has an hour gap between milk and solid feeds for proper digestion.

Here are some other tips you can use:

  • Experiment with textures. if the baby is aversive to a particular texture, wait for a week before you offer it to them again.
  • Offer smaller bites of food.
  • Offer water along with the food to help wash the food down.
  • Offer teething toys or oral development tools to help desensitise the mouth.

d) Chewing on the bottle's nipple

Babies biting or chewing the nipple is part of normal development. This could be happening due to certain reasons like:

  • The baby does not like the nipple. (Try changing it with another one)
  • The baby is teething and biting the nipple due to soreness of the gums. (Try offering a teething toy to the baby)
  • The baby is not hungry. Offer a pacifier that the baby can chew on, and try to feed the baby later when they are hungry.
  • The baby may have an ear infection. Oftentimes when babies have ear infections they retort to incessant chewing to help relieve the pain. In such situations, seek help from your paediatrician.
  • The nipple flow is not sufficient. Try another nipple with more flow or a larger hole in the nipple.

e) Coughing while feeding

If your baby is coughing while bottle feeding, it could indicate that the milk is blocking their airway. This might be happening due to the wrong bottle feeding position or excessive flow.

If your baby coughs while feeding in a reclined or cradled position, consider trying the side-lying position for feeding. Ensure that their overall alignment remains developmentally appropriate, with ears, shoulders, hips, and feet all in line.

Find a slow-flow nipple to help control the flow of the bottle while feeding your baby. This will help the baby balance out the airflow and the milk flow.

How to stop feeding a baby at night?

To begin night weaning, ensure your baby receives essential nutrients during the day. You can start reducing night feeds around 6 months of age or when they double their birth weight.

Tips on how to stop feeding the baby at night:

  • Make sure your baby is getting milk or solid foods 5-6 times a day to ensure they do not feel hungry during the night.
  • Include the final feeding into your baby's nighttime routine with lights on. Avoid letting your baby fall asleep while feeding at bedtime. This helps them learn to fall asleep independently in their crib and enables them to go back to sleep without a feed if they wake up at night.
  • Start decreasing the amount and length of the feed during the night.
  • Avoid weaning off when the baby is ill.

From breast to bottle: How to wean off breastfeeding

Weaning breastfeeding is a gradual process that should be approached with care and sensitivity. Determining when to stop breastfeeding is a personal decision, but most experts recommend starting the weaning process when your baby has doubled their birth weight. Here are some tips on how to wean off breastfeeding and make the transition smoother for both you and your baby.

a) Stages of Weaning

Weaning typically occurs in stages. Begin by replacing one breastfeeding session with a bottle or cup of expressed milk or formula. Choose a feeding time that your baby seems less attached to, which can make the transition easier. Over several days or a week, gradually replace additional feedings until you have eliminated all daytime breastfeeding. Continue with nighttime breastfeeding if desired or until your baby adjusts.

b) Introduce solid foods

As you decrease breastfeeding, introduce solid foods to ensure your baby receives the necessary nutrients for growth and development. This helps ease the transition from breast milk to a more varied diet.

c) Comfort and Consistency

Throughout the stages of weaning, maintain a comforting routine and offer plenty of cuddles and soothing activities to replace breastfeeding's comfort. Consistency is key, as your baby will adjust better to a predictable schedule.

d) Positive Distractions

Offer new and engaging activities to divert your baby's attention from breastfeeding. Play, read, or explore the outdoors together to keep them occupied and satisfied.

e) Patience and Sensitivity

Above all, approach weaning with patience and sensitivity. It's a significant change for your baby, so be prepared for some resistance and potential tears. Respond to their emotional needs and comfort them during the transition.

Remember that weaning breastfeeding is a unique journey for every mother and baby. Trust your instincts and adjust the pace to what works best for your family.

Is feeding bottle good for baby?

Is bottle feeding safe for a newborn baby? Are there any side effects of bottle feeding that you need to be worried about? What are the advantages and disadvantages of bottle feeding? Is bottle-feeding breast milk safe for the baby?

All of these questions pop into the minds of any new parent deciding how to feed their baby.

We have compiled a list of advantages and disadvantages of bottle-feeding breast milk as well as formula to help you make an informed choice

Advantages of Bottle Feeding

1) Convenience - Bottle feeding allows for flexibility and convenience as other members of the family can participate in feedings, and you don't need to be present for every feeding.

2) Measurement Control - You can precisely measure the amount of milk or formula your baby consumes, making it easier to track their intake.

3) Easier to Share Feeding Duties - With bottle feeding, partners, family members, or caregivers can share the responsibility of feeding, giving the primary caregiver a break.

4) Increased Awareness of Baby's Intake - Knowing the exact amount your baby has consumed can provide reassurance, especially if there are concerns about weight gain.

Disadvantages of Bottle Feeding

1) Cost - Formula feeding can be more expensive than breastfeeding due to the cost of formula and feeding supplies.

2) Preparation and Cleaning - Bottle feeding requires extra time for preparing formula, sterilising equipment, and washing bottles, which can be time-consuming.

3) Risk of Overfeeding - It can be easier to overfeed a baby with a bottle, as they may continue to suck even when they're no longer hungry.

4) Potential for Allergies - Some babies may be sensitive or allergic to certain ingredients in the formula, which can lead to digestive issues or allergies.

The choice between breastfeeding and bottle feeding is a personal one and should be made based on what works best for the mother and baby. Some parents may choose mixed feeding (mixing both to reap the benefits of both approaches) You should choose whatever works for you!

Special Considerations While Bottle Feeding a Baby

Allergies and Sensitivities

Bottle-feeding a baby comes with a caution sticker. You need to be aware of potential allergies and sensitivities. Some key pointers that you may want to consider are:

1) Formula Choice - If you are using a formula, consult with a paediatrician to select the most suitable type. Specialised formulas are available for babies with allergies or sensitivities, such as hypoallergenic or soy-based formulas.

2) Allergic History - If there is a family history of allergies, asthma, or eczema, it is important to be vigilant and discuss the baby's risk with a healthcare provider.

3) Monitor Symptoms - Keep an eye out for signs of allergic reactions or sensitivities, such as hives, skin rashes, vomiting, diarrhoea, excessive fussiness, or breathing difficulties. If any of these symptoms occur, consult a healthcare professional immediately.

4) Introduce Foods Cautiously - When you begin introducing solid foods, start one new food at a time and observe how your baby reacts before adding more. Common allergenic foods like peanuts, eggs, and dairy should be introduced with care.

5) Read Labels - Check the labels of formula or baby food for potential allergens. Manufacturers are typically required to highlight common allergenic ingredients.

6) Consult a Paediatrician - If you suspect an allergy or sensitivity, consult your paediatrician. They can perform tests and guide you in managing your baby's diet.

7) Seek Allergy Testing - In cases of severe allergies or a strong family history, a paediatric allergist may conduct specific allergy testing to identify triggers accurately.

Allergies and sensitivities can vary widely among infants. Being informed, vigilant, and seeking professional guidance can help ensure your baby's health and well-being while bottle-feeding.

Travelling with Bottle-Fed Babies

Travelling with bottle-fed babies requires some preparation to ensure a smooth journey.

When you are on the go, make sure to pack enough bottles, formula, or expressed breast milk to last the duration of your trip. Invest in a good-quality insulated cooler bag with ice packs to keep the milk or formula fresh.

Remember to bring a bottle warmer or access to hot water to heat bottles when needed. When it's feeding time, find a quiet and comfortable spot to avoid any unnecessary fuss. Disposable bottle liners can be handy for quick and easy clean-up while travelling.

Lastly, maintaining a flexible schedule and allowing extra time for feedings can reduce stress for both you and your baby.


All you need to carry forward is that bottle-feeding can be a wonderful way to nourish and bond with your newborn. It offers convenience, flexibility, and the opportunity for all family members to share in the care of your little one. Whether you choose to breastfeed, formula-feed, or combine both methods, the key is to prioritise your baby's health and well-being. Be attuned to their cues, provide comfort and love during feedings, and remember that every baby is unique. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1) Can we store breast milk in a feeding bottle?

Yes, you can store breast milk in a feeding bottle, but it's important to follow proper guidelines for safe storage. Use bottles designed for breast milk storage and refrigerate or freeze the milk as needed. Label the bottles with the date and time of expression. Be sure to follow recommended storage times to maintain the quality and safety of the breast milk.

2) Which feeding bottle is best for a baby?

The best feeding bottle for a baby depends on individual preferences and needs. Look for bottles that are BPA-free and have a design that mimics breastfeeding to reduce nipple confusion. Ultimately, the best bottle is one that your baby is comfortable with and that suits your specific feeding situation.

3) Is a feeding bottle good for a baby?

Feeding bottles can be a helpful tool for feeding babies, especially in situations where breastfeeding isn't possible or practical. They allow parents, caregivers, and other family members to participate in feeding. However, it's important to use bottles appropriately and ensure proper hygiene to prevent infections. Balancing bottle feeding with skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding, if possible, is recommended for a well-rounded approach.

4) Can we use a feeding bottle for a newborn?

Yes, feeding bottles can be used for newborns, especially if breastfeeding is not an option. When introducing a bottle to a newborn, consider using a slow-flow nipple to mimic the pace of breastfeeding and reduce the risk of nipple confusion. Consult your healthcare provider for guidance on when to introduce a bottle and how to do so successfully.

5) Is bottle feeding bad?

Bottle feeding itself is not inherently bad. It's a valid and necessary option for many parents and families. However, there are benefits to breastfeeding, such as providing antibodies, nutrients, and emotional bonding. If you choose to bottle feed, it's important to use proper hygiene, choose appropriate bottles and nipples, and ensure your baby receives the necessary nutrients and care.

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